
The 7Cs of Team Resilience

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Team resilience is the capacity of a group of people to respond to change and disruption in a flexible and innovative manner. In the face of adversity, resilient teams maintain their work productivity while minimizing the emotional toll on their members. 

A collection of people with high individual resilience does not automatically result in a resilient team. For example, I worked with a U.S. Consulate that had resilient staff who performed well as individuals when they experienced a traumatic incident. They also recovered quickly after the event. However, they struggled to respond during the crisis because they did not work effectively as a team.

Teams need to regularly foster the following 7Cs of Team Resilience in order to ensure they are capable as a team and ready for the unexpected:


The team has shared values, identity, history, and purpose that bind them together. Teams share stories that help describe their history and identity. Team members can answer the question “who are we together?”


Team members have the capacity and skills they need to meet demands, particularly during times of crisis and high stress. They have the knowledge and abilities they need to be successful. Team members share their competence with each other.


Team members know each other and have formed strong relationships. Teammates are treated as individuals not as positions or titles.


Team members are dedicated to each other and to a shared mission. They demonstrate respect and loyalty to colleagues and will give something of value (time, money, effort) to support others. They will keep their promises and protect teammates from harm even when it is hard to do so.


All team members feel well-informed about what is going on in the workplace. Colleagues willingly share information and encourage questioning, critical thinking, and dialogue. Teammates welcome differing views.


The team is synchronized across the organization and its goals are well-aligned with other organizational goals. Teammates work through conflict to ensure they are working in sync with each other.


Team members support their colleagues’ personal needs as well as professional goals. They express gratitude and appreciation to each other.  

Check out my other blogs that explore each one of these 7Cs and how you can strengthen them in your workplace.

What has help your team build and maintain resilience?

I help individuals and teams thrive in adversity by providing practical skills and tools I developed over several decades as a U.S. diplomat in challenging environments. Visit my website to learn more about how I can help you and your team avoid burnout and become more innovative, collaborative, and productive despite overwhelming challenges, constant change, and chronic stress. Follow me on Twitter at @payneresilience.
