
It's Time to Plan Your Next Vacation

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Today is National Plan for Vacation Day. Do you have summer vacation plans yet? If not, you may be one of the 47% of Americans who do not take all of their vacation time.

Why don’t we take a vacation when studies show that taking time off from work, and work-related emails, lowers levels of fatigue and job burnout? Many of us are so overwhelmed with work, we cannot imagine taking time away. However, if you come back rested from vacation, your performance will probably improve. You’ll be better at solving problems and other creative tasks.

Coronavirus had made vacation planning exceptionally challenging. Without knowing when it will be safe to travel, many of us are reluctant to book flights and hotel rooms. We don’t want to be disappointed when our vacation plans fall through. Still, the benefits of planning your next vacation are probably worth taking the risks of having to change plans. Check out this blog for vacation ideas during a global pandemic.

During my last few years in the State Department, I had a tradition of taking at least a week off every winter and summer. Just before I left for a vacation, I started planning my next one. This way I would always be planning and looking forward to a trip. This tradition did wonders for my resilience and work productivity.

In 2021, I had several trips planned even though I knew there was a chance coronavirus would cause me to cancel. Luckily, each trip fell during COVID lulls so I got very lucky. I’ve done the same for 2022, planning for the worst and hoping for the best!

Here are some tips on how you can ensure you are taking regular vacations:

Plan Ahead

Get approval for your leave and block vacation days on your calendar six months or more in advance. Buy your plane ticket and make reservations. This way when your vacation comes around, you have no excuse to postpone or cancel. Waiting for the right time to take a break rarely works since it’s never a good time.

Prepare Your Backup

Having a well-briefed, reliable backup is essential to taking leave. Trust your backup to act on your behalf while you're gone. If you're a manager, give explicit authority to the acting manager to make decisions and keep the team moving. Don't second guess your backup once you return to the office. So what if you would have done it differently or even better - giving someone authority gives you freedom. It’s worth it.

Don’t Check Emails

I used to check my emails every morning while on vacation, rationalizing that this kept me from feeling overwhelmed by emails on my first day back in the office. The problem with this practice is that I then never really disconnected. My backup wasn't empowered to act since she knew I was checking in daily. And, I never got a real break because I started my day thinking about the office and that thinking lingered through the day. To avoid an email backlog, set aside a few hours or even a full day at the end of your vacation to tackle your inbox.

Communicate Expectations

Draw clear boundaries and communicate these to your colleagues. Let your staff know that you will not check your emails while on leave. Instead, provide a phone number for dire emergencies (define emergency). Let your team know that you've given your backup authority to act on your behalf. Inform your boss that you will not be available except in an emergency and convey your confidence in your backup. Leave an out-of-office message stating that you will not be checking your emails, whom to contact in your absence, and that it will take several days to review emails upon your return.

Consider a Staycation

Vacations do not have to be expensive, elaborate events. Some of my favorite breaks from work have been the times I stayed home and explored my city. And, this is a great way to vacation during coronavirus. Here’s a great article on how to plan the best staycation ever.

Enjoy Your Vacation

With work out of the way, enjoy your leave. Spend time with friends and family once it’s safe to do so, pursue a passion, or do nothing. Let your mind go wherever it takes you and if it takes you to work from time to time, shift your thoughts somewhere else. You'll be thankful you took a real vacation once you return to the office refreshed and resilient. And, if you're a manager, you'll set an excellent example, for your staff to follow.

What helps you take and enjoy your vacations? How have you adapted due to coronavirus?


To learn more about how you and your team can thrive in adversity, visit my website, and follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. And, check out my online Resilience Leadership course.
